About Us

Unipath was started with the vision of solving the problems of overload & understaffing in international companies. Tejas, Our founder, had first-hand experience of working in UK companies during 2006 - 2008 that led him to closely understand the issues that arise in performing all activities through a closed group of people. With the internet on the rise and with India having one of the largest pool of educated youth speaking international standard English along with their ability to work with softwares & handle administrative tasks with accuracy, Tejas was quick to grab on the opportunity and that is how Unipath came into existence. His reliance on having top quality personnel who are committed to delivering outstanding results has led Unipath to flourishing success with our clients.



Unipath believes in complete trust & honesty towards its commitment. We commit what we deliver and do not take work that would break this principle.

Brownie Points: Massively reliant on only inbound sales till now. We have no outbound team.


We take great professional pride in the quality of our work and our employees are nurtured to ensure that our clients receive excellent BPO & KPO services.

Brownie Points: We pay higher salaries than the average industry salaries

Respect & Care

Our culture is friendly, open-minded and committed to the wellbeing of every stakeholder. We care for our clients, for our employees and for the society to whom we are accountable.

Brownie Points: The 1st employee who joined Unipath is still working. Great team and atmosphere.


Time lost is time wasted. That is what we believe at Unipath. We are keen on completing projects, getting client feedback and quickly jumping on to new projects.

Brownie Points: We work 365 days a year and take no leave whatsoever.

our team

Tejas Shah CEO Profile

Tejas Shah


Kashish Sarvaiya - Head of Operations at Unipath Solutions

Kashish Sarvaiya

Head of Operations

Devangi Panchamiya - Senior HR at Unipath Solutions

Devangi Panchamiya

Senior HR

Darshit Raichura - Team Lead - Training and Development

Darshit Raichura

Team Lead - Training and Development

Ankit Gour - Team Leader - Out of Hours - Contact Centre

Ankit Gour

Team Lead - Out of Hours - Contact Centre

Jaimin Patel - Team Leader - Compliance Department

Jaimin Patel

Team Lead - Compliance Department

Pranav Pandya - Team Lead - Contact Centre

Pranav Pandya

Team Lead - Contact Centre


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