Winning a tender is as simple as making or breaking it in a business. While it is easy to think that a tender is all about preparation, only preparation will not lead you to win. Winning a tender requires accurate preparation, committed execution, and careful risk mitigation. We often hear from our clients about them doing the best they could and yet losing a tender. Does that happen to you as well? If yes then let us try and figure out why it happens and what is required to win that next tender.
Let us take the case of one of our previous clients – XV services(Name changed for anonymity). Before reaching out to us, XV services had lost 4 out of the 5 tenders that they had bid for in the last 10 months. In order to figure out why, they reached out to us, an IT offshore services company.
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To solve this, we started interviewing their team, setting up dedicated long hours with their sales team’s head, and studying their competitors on their tender wins.
We figured that their biggest challenge was that when they had to bid for a big tender, they had no dedicated team that could deliver and submit the tender at the right time. For instance, when they had to submit a tender wherein they were required to service 1000 buildings for ground services, it was almost impossible for them to physically visit all sites and prepare plans for those sites. On top of that, they were not subcontracting or outsourcing anything to IT offshore services at that moment.
As part of our execution, we used google earth extensively to develop site plans and uploaded them into a system to automatically generate quotations based on relevant building plans. This collection of bits & pieces in integrating an entire tender is where most of the firms fail but we ensured that their automated sales system was updated and responded with utmost efficiency whenever a tender was floated.
Solution impact
We were eventually able to collaborate with our client to such an extent that our client ended up getting 3 of the next 4 tenders they applied for.
At Unipath, we strongly believe that cheap is not always poor and our services, although affordable, are highly professional and served in the best interest of our clients. We are dedicated to our values of integrity, excellence, respect, and punctuality and look forward to being your partners in your growth journey.
Reach out to us at and our dedicated key account manager would arrange everything for you.
Retrieving on-time payments is a painful & annoying process in the world of services. Companies, small and big, end up releasing money only when forced to and reminded to. This usually happens because they want to maintain their working capital and paying their vendors would stop them from keeping a liquidated cash flow. However, it is a huge financial bottleneck for companies that often rely on this incoming cash to execute their quarterly strategies. Let us explain a case that we solved for one of our clients who was facing severe aged debt.
Our client – XV Services(Name changed for anonymity), was in severe distress and distraught due to their massive aged debt problem. They were supposed to retrieve around 800k pounds from their client and were kept in the dark about the accounts. After piling debt for more than 6 months, the strategy team at XV was out of options and that is when they decided to reach out to an efficient IT offshore company.
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After our first session with XV, We immediately decided to create a highly skilled team of 2 professionals with 10+ years of experience in the credit control industry and led out a blueprint for recovery of the debt for our client. This was done in cognizance of the fact that they still wanted good relations & future business from their client.
As part of the execution, We extensively sorted their issues, organized arrangements with their client, and resolved any outstanding issues. We kept sure that our client was involved in our strategy for recovery of their debt.
Solution impact
Eventually, with mutual coordination, patient planning & efficient execution, we were able to bring down their aged debt from 800k Pounds to under 180k Pounds in less than 6 months.
At Unipath, we understand that outsourcing payroll, accounting, or any internal department work to an offshore outsourcing company can be extremely challenging. However, we assure you that our focus is to be 100% associated with our clients and to solve their problems with complete integrity, punctuality, excellence, and respect. We look forward to being your partners in your growth journey. Reach out to us at and our dedicated key account manager would arrange everything for you.
Generating cash flow every quarter might seem like an ordinary task, but it is often quite complex due to factors like delays in accepting purchase orders. Our clients often share instances where they were kept waiting for months & in some bizarre instances, for years.
If this scenario sounds similar to you, we understand your worry and completely empathize with you as we understand the super importance of having a positive cash flow every quarter. So let us describe a case where one of our clients was severely out of cash flow due to 1 million pounds worth of impending credit that they were supposed to recover from their suppliers. Initially, they did not pay heed to this as they could not realize the massive barriers that were about to come due to the cash crunch in the future. However, 6 months down the line, the CFO announced a panic meeting and informed the leadership about how they had 1 million pounds of impending credit due to a lack of fulfilled purchase orders. This brought about panic in the strategy team and they planned on subcontracting their cashflow management to an IT offshore services company.
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First & foremost, we announced an audit of their Customer Data team, and what we found led them astonished as they discovered that they had not been able to convert purchase orders in the last 6 months, and if it continued this way, they would easily default on their upcoming payments to their suppliers & employees. They also found that their data was not automated and made frequent errors in following an email sequence that was created to routinely ask for purchase order conversions to clients. That is when they reached out to us thanks to our personal reputation in this business.
We immediately created a Data audit team that created a form and got the entire data required from all the clients, updated that in the client’s database, and then automated the entire process to create a timely programmed email sequence that would send Purchase Order emails to the right people at the right time. We also ensure that the system would routinely checks whether the data in the system is up to date or not.
Solution impact
Eventually, with the right coordination between us and our client, we sorted their issues and in about 4 months, we brought their outstanding credit from 1 million pounds to 100k-200k pounds.
If you too are looking to automate your Customer Data team and save yourself from unnecessary financial abruptions, we would be keen to be your outsourcing partner. We, at Unipath, are dedicated to our values of integrity, excellence, respect, and punctuality. We look forward to being your partners in your growth journey. Reach out to us at and our dedicated key account manager would arrange everything for you promising complete integrity, commitment, punctuality, and respect.
Recently, a service company in the UK did an analysis of the costs associated with staff shortage on weekends, night timings, and bank holidays and was astounded to find that they are losing a sizeable chunk of their potential profit as losses. But is that a story for the entire industry?
Based on our experience in the different industries we serve, this is often a common problem for our clients in the UK and most of them are helpless when it comes to bringing down these losses through subcontracting. While this might not be the case for every enterprise, It is imperative that you analyze your own balance sheet and figure out if you are losing money due to these staff shortages.
Let us break it down for you and help you to analyse your case. Let us assume we have a client XT, who deals in property & facilities management. They have given us, an IT offshore services company, the task to identify the losses that they are making by having staff shortages. These are the top reasons for their losses:
Overhead costs (High reimbursements to skilled employees who agree to work out of hours)
Financial Opportunity losses (Possible future revenue & profits missed due to lack of workforce during out-of-hours)
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As part of our offshore outsourcing solution, We informed them about the above-mentioned expenses and astonishingly, they did not realize until now the extent to which they were losing their revenues. As part of the solutions that we offered to them, we initially drafted a plan that tackles all three key issues of infrastructure expenses, overhead costs, and financial opportunity losses individually through a team of skilled employees who matched the required skill set for each issue. We also arranged exceptional trainers as part of our outsourcing call center services who could support our employees to develop skills that were specific to the client’s requirements.
Solution impact
In mutual agreement & with mutual effort, we were able to significantly bring their losses to a halt and led them to save 7% of the total losses which eventually converted into their profits. We also took a step forward and automated all their processes with high efficiency eliminating any need for multiple follow-ups with us.
We, at Unipath, are always seeking projects that challenge us and make us towards solving complex issues of our clients through dedication to our values of integrity, excellence, respect, and punctuality. Reach out to us at and our dedicated key account manager would arrange everything for you. We look forward to being your partners in your growth journey.